We have the top news stories of the day for Nicaragua. The news will vary from business, politics and other stories in the headlines.
Growth of Nicaraguan Coffee Exports
Coffee exports out of Nicaragua have grown to over $430 over the last year. This is up 39 percent from the previous year. From 2003 to 2010 exports coming out of Nicaragua have grown 22 percent each year. This is good news for an impoverished nation looking to move forward. The US, Venezuela and Belgium are the top buyers of Nicaraguan coffee. Coffee is not the only export coming out of Nicaragua. Nicaragua exports seafood, cheese, beans, peanuts, sesame seeds and manufactured products (apparel and auto parts).
The Jason Puracal Case
Jason Puracal has been sentence to 22 years in prison for his alleged role in drug trafficking and money laundering. Puracal has been in a Nicaraguan prison since last year. Ten other men were charged as well but they all say they had never met Puracal. With the conviction handed down on little evidence, the defense will surely continue with the appeals process.
Baseball for Nicaragua
Bryan Stewart is on a semi retirement in Nicaragua. He spends his winter month in Nicaragua. While in Nicaragua he came across some fellow Canadians who came down to Nicaragua bringing a couple of fire trucks and ten thousand pairs of eye glasses. He was inspired to do something himself for the country he now called home for part of the year. He came up with baseball which is a passion he shared with Nicaraguans. He started collecting new and used baseball equipment to take down to local Nicaraguan boys. In Nicaragua kids play baseball in abandoned lots or on the street with makeshift bases.
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